a ThetaHealing Master & Instructor who’s owned and operated a 7 figure business and has been an entrepreneur for 30 years.
I have been a full-time ThetaHealing Practitioner, Instructor, & Coach for 16 years! It’s my desire for my students to apply this technique in their day-to-day business & life, AND in their business energetics.
I have blended my practical experience as a successful entrepreneur along with the ThetaHealing practices that allow my clients to have quick income transformations to create my Elevate to Accelerate and Electrical Expansion Programs.
My work in the world is to help you break down the barriers to help you heal and get into your true zone of genius, serve the people who need your gifts, and make lots of money doing it …
WITHOUT it being at the expense of Yourself, Your Energy, and Your Time!!
Brenda will continuously work with you towards improving your life and making it the best it can be.
Take that first step, contact Brenda and let the magic begin!
Schedule a Call