Join Us For
The Ultimate ThetaHealing Certification Class Of 2023

Have you been wanting a quick and painless process
that removes your clients’ blocks & resistance
with your training, classes, and programs?
Get the process that makes your clients easier to work with,
and allows them more success in working with you!

You’ve been wanting to….
- Help your clients get quick wins at changing parts of their lives that aren’t working
- Quickly get your clients out of the muck of not making enough money
- Know a process to produce instantaneous and permanent change at the cellular level
- Add an advanced healing modality to your practice
Here’s why helping clients make lasting changes feels so hard…
It’s because you’ve been relying on your brain to make the changes.
But the secret to helping clients make lasting change happens when you
learn a process to go deep and make the changes on a cellular level!
Why It's Time to Get the Ultimate ThetaHealing Certification
With ThetaHealing you can have a consistent process to help clients get fast and effortless change...
- You’ll get a process to easily change things without having to spend years in therapy or re-open wounds (you can use this on yourself and your clients).
- You’ll be able to help clients (and yourself) easily change the patterns and genetic programs that were inherited.
- You’ll be able to help yourself and your clients activate the abundance magnet within us.
- You’ll gain an easy tool to help both you and your clients heal all parts of your life that haven’t been working at optimal levels.

If you’ve found yourself wanting to deepen your relationship with your own healing and have a healing process to use with clients that will get miraculous results this is for you!
Because… when you learn how to remove cellular beliefs and trauma at all levels, you’ll be able to activate your client's Money Magnet and infinite healing programs!
The Ultimate ThetaHealing Certification gives you a concrete
step-by-step process and tools for your transformation.
In just 4 Classes!
Here is a taste of what you will be learning during your
1st Class - September 29th - October 1st
How to use ThetaHealing® in your life and the lives of your clients to make quick, easy, painless changes for lightning-quick transformation.
How the subconscious mind works & how your beliefs create your life, & health to allow you to understand how to create instantaneous shifts for yourself and your clients.
How to intuitively do readings, on the body, emotions, & feelings which allows you to help yourself & clients at a deeper level.
How to identify the origins of your limiting beliefs & replace them with positive new beliefs so that changes can be permanent for you and your clients.
How to support the body, mind, and spirit - group, partner & self healings which will expand your business and the ways you can help clients.
How to use DNA activation, gene replacement & genetic aging program which allows you to show up in your Zone of Genius in Your Life & Your Business.
How to use the ThetaHealing® Manifestation technique so you can allow & attract what you truly want in every area of your life and business.
Here is a taste of what you will be learning during your
2nd Class - October 13th-15th
- Advanced Manifestation techniques that improve how quickly you call in what you desire and help your clients do that as well.
- Advanced tips, tricks, and techniques for improving your Reading & Healing ability with ThetaHealing which will make you the Go-To coach/healer/practitioner.
- How to open your Psychic Centers which increases the depth, speed and reliability of your Healings & Readings which will get people raving about you and your programs.
- How to communicate with your Ancestors & Higher Self through ThetaHealing with extra help from ones who know us and our clients best.
- Advanced understanding of the 7 Planes of Existence that give a deeper understanding of ThetaHealing and how to utilize it in your life and business.
- How to “Bend” Time to what you want (faster or slower) which is invaluable for you to do what you need to do & be where you need to be.
- How to send Love & Protection to the “Baby in the Womb” which retroactively changes your’s and your clients’ lives.
- Advanced “Digging for Beliefs” techniques which allow you to get to the bottom belief quicker & easier.
- How to help people clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold you and your clients back in their lives & business.
- “Heal the Broken Soul” exercise that you can utilize with your clients to make them whole.
- Continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence… Building on the information learned in the 1st certification class.
Here is a taste of what you will be learning during your
3rd Class - November 11th-12th
- Learn the narrative style approach (digging) to discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and cellular beliefs that can block you and your clients.
- Learn to successfully identify the true heart and origin of your client’s challenges.
- Learn & implement all the techniques to release and uncover the hidden beliefs.
- Get the solid grounding & tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients ‘key core beliefs for permanent & complete healing.
- Under the guidance of your instructor, practice to implement what you have learned with your fellow students.
- Get proficient knowledge and experience to continue ongoing digging work on yourself and your clients.
- Continue learning and mastering belief work and enhance your knowledge on downloads … Building on the information learned in the 1st & 2nd certification classes.
Here is a taste of what you will be learning during your
4th Class - December 2nd-3rd
Learn to understand the undercurrent of your own subconscious mind.
Learn how your body actually works at solving problems.
Learn how to know the difference between communicating with the energy of the Creator and communicating with your ego or higher self.
Learn how to work and re-guide your subconscious to work for you with discernment.
Learn how to direct your mind to understand.
Get to Know Your Instructor
I'm Brenda B. Bailey, a ThetaHealing Master & Instructor who’s owned and operated a 7 figure business and has been an entrepreneur for 32 years.
I have been a full-time ThetaHealing Practitioner, Instructor, & Coach for 18 years! It’s my desire for my students to apply this technique in their day to day business & life, AND on their business energetics.
I have blended my practical experience as a successful entrepreneur along with the ThetaHealing practices that allow my clients to have quick income transformations to create my Elevate to Accelerate and Electrical Expansion Programs.
My work in the world is to help you break down the barriers to help you heal and get into your true zone of genius, serve the people who need your gifts, and make lots of money doing it …
WITHOUT it being at the expense of Yourself, Your Energy, and Your Time!!

Imagine With Me

IMAGINE that you are certified in a PROCESS that you can consistently use both for yourself and others, one that creates FAST, EFFECTIVE, and LASTING change.
IMAGINE with your certified process that your clients start making quick improvements and rave about you to all their colleagues, friends, and family.
IMAGINE once you receive your certification, being able to easily help clients (and yourself) not repeat the same patterns or making the same mistakes over and over.
IMAGINE being able to help others not live a life of reaction, but one of objectivity & neutrality.
Commonly Asked Questions
Where will the certification classes be taught?
When are the certification classes?
What are the certification class times?
Is there a limit to the size of the virtual certification classes?
Will I be a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner?
Is there extra outside work or case studies to be completed after the certification classes ends?
Will I be listed as a practitioner on the ThetaHealing website for free?
What do I get once I register for the certification classes?
Here’s what happens when you register for the
Ultimate ThetaHealing

- You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to the ThetaHealing website to sign a waiver and set up your login info - once done, registering for future certification classes will be quick & easy.
- Suggestions to have a successful certification class will follow via email.
- 3 days before each class you will receive the class zoom info, your virtual class manual, and a link to download the virtual book from Amazon.
- The morning of the first day of each class a reminder with the zoom info will be emailed.
- Attend all 10 days from the comfort of your home via zoom & at the end, you will be a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner.

My colleagues & I have taken classes with Brenda. Together, we are achieving amazing heights in our businesses and in our personal lives. You can never have too much clarity, focus, power, and confidence. Brenda's work truly supports you to create the life of your dreams.
~ R. Neer, Corpus Christi, TX.

Brenda's work and classes are an excellent option for those who want to take responsibility for themselves and their lives, be the best they can be as they discover and follow their paths, accomplish more in their work and businesses, struggle less, be happier and more loving, build positive relationships, and enjoy a greater alignment with God.
~ P. DeNucci, Austin, TX.

I had an open house scheduled for a property that has been on the market for 45 days. I used Advanced ThetaHealing techniques that morning. I only got 3 couples ... however, I got 2 full-price offers from those couples!!!!! The buyers were as I requested - qualified, reasonable, eager, and quick closing.
~ C. Niels, Austin, TX.
Here’s what might be holding you back...
It’s my whole weekend I don’t think I have the time…
I hear you! A weekend a month is a lot of time to give … I’m guessing it took you longer than 10 days or even 4 months to get where you are right now.
ThetaHealing is a time-effective way to remove/resolve years (100’s possibly) of irrational, inherited, useless beliefs that are unconsciously steering you in the wrong direction. Since the classes are available virtually, you save the extra travel time, which helps when scheduling time for these.
After the 1st class, you will be amazed at how much change you will make painlessly (in just 3 days) AND have a tool that you can help yourself and others in your toolbox.
You are now a certified practitioner - no homework, case studies, or work required! But as with most things, you need more & deeper work to continue to be better in how you serve yourself & your clients.
In the 2nd class (in just 3 days), you will get confirmation & validation of how far you have come & how much you retained.
You will be so much clearer which will be apparent with the work you do for yourself and others.
The 3rd class ties the bow on the gift for you (in just 2 days). It brings everything together and allows you to practice practice, practice on the skill needed for all - digging for beliefs.
In the 4th class (in just 2 days), You will learn an amazing way to structure questions to ask yourself & your clients to get to beliefs, resentments, and traumas that you can’t imagine or conceive.
It’s amazing what is discovered, shifted, and changed in this easy-to-learn & to apply protocol.
This takes the burden of figuring it all out for the most effective way to shift off your shoulders, and empowers your clients to participate actively in what needs to shift.
This class up levels your abilities & results so it takes that bow from class 3 and BEDAZZLES it for you and your Clients!!
Taking the classes will take you from being good to being GREAT! It will allow you to be at your best for yourself and your clients. You may not see it now, but you will when it’s done. It will make sense why you did the classes consecutively, it’s for you and your clients' highest and best good!
It’s too expensive ...
Most integrative healing certification requires extensive case studies (time required outside of class) usually runs $1000’s of dollars plus travel & accommodations. They typically require weeks at a time of attendance over a year or years. From the comfort of your home, you will be certified when the classes are completed after just 10 days (over 4 months for your convenience)!

Can I learn ThetaHealing in 4 months …
After 16 years as a Certified Instructor, I wholeheartedly can assure you, YES, you can! We consider the technique, a reminder of what you know already. Now, will you master it after the 1st certification class, no? After each certification class, you need to apply it, practice it, attend the Q&A zoom sessions … all of this will support you in your success. Each consecutive monthly class will deepen & expand your skill You will be amazed at how easy it is to learn and apply!
What others are saying about the Bonus Q & A Zooms?

The Q&A sessions were a fantastic opportunity to get the adjustment I needed to continue making progress in my coaching business. It helped with continued clarity and removing any blocks that were standing in my way. I believe it’s been a key for accelerating progress to meeting my goals.
Mindset Breakthrough Specialist

They may be called Q&A Sessions, but make no mistake...they are mega bonus hours of being healed with Brenda in addition to the actual certifications!! With every session, I could see and feel profound, continuous changes being reinforced in my business and in my life. The results are still continually being revealed to me.
Video Performance Coach

The Q&A sessions were so valuable because as I went through the classes more questions arose and those Q&A sessions created more clarity which furthered my healing work with myself and my clients. We are all up-leveling together! It's amazing to have this kind of support.
Dr. Tanya EnglishSoul Chiropractor
Register NOW to change the trajectory of your life & business!
What have you got to lose??
Non-Forgiveness, traumas, and beliefs
that have been holding
you and your business back for years,
maybe lifetimes!
Yes, I want to ignite my business and my life with ThetaHealing!